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Keep Hydrated during Winter

How to effectively protect your skin during winter?

There are many practical ways, I will list 5 of the basic daily routines below.

1. Skin

For many people, the cold winter days bring more than just a rosy glow to the cheeks, they also bring dryness to the skin, sometimes flaking or cracking. Dryer areas are hands, elbows and knees.

Just as weather conditions change, so should your skin care routine change as well to provide more moisture from head to toe.

As your skin produces less natural oil, the moisture evaporates much quicker then usually, you have to use a heavier (oil-based rather than water-based) moisturiser then during the spring / summer season. Apply straight after your shower, and blend it well into your skin.

Don't forget that your hands needs the most care. The skin on your hands is thinner than on most parts of the body and has fewer oil glands, which means it’s harder to keep it moist. Good to keep a travel size hand cream in your bag so you can use it anytime throughout the day.

2. Lips

Prevent chapped lips. Use a moisturising lip balm to keep your lips soft.

Just like with the hand cream, make sure you have one in your handbag (I cant do a single day without having a Carmex in my pocket). Use Carmex, Vaseline, Labello,’s totally up to you what you prefer but make sure about SPF!

3. Hair

Don't wash your hair every day, shampooing removes the natural oils that keeps your scalp healthy and moisturised, which actually overproduces this oil, so you will feel greasy.

During winter your hair gets dry just as your skin does. Use a shampoo that moisturises more and make sure about the right amount of conditioner.

4. Water - Stay hydrated

(If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times..)

We tend to drink less water during winter, we feel like sipping hot chocolate, coffee or tea, but we have to pay attention to keeping our body hydrated. Drinking water helps our skin look younger, fresher and healthier. Try to avoid alcohol and too much caffein, which dehydrates your skin. Eating food high in water content can help hydrate skin from inside out. Make sure you get enough Vitamin C, Zinc and Omega 3 supplement.

5. Clothing

Give a proper cover of your skin. Don't just pile up the layers, make sure it's completely covered, head to toe.

Wear (wool or cotton) gloves on your hands, scarf around your neck, warm hat to keep your ears warm and protect your hair from cold, rain, snow. Put warm boots and a furry coat on, try to wear waterproof items during this season, especially when living in the rainy London...

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